Purchase Order Request Form

Use this if you are requesting goods/services from a Penn approved vendor. So that the purchase order may be processed in time, this form must be submitted a minimum of 4 business days before the event. The PO process is as follows:

  1. The student calls the vendor, gives them the order and requests a quote, letting the vendor know it will be paid through a purchase order.

  2. The student puts in the PO request via this form using the dollar amount the vendor gave them.

  3. Once the PO is approved, Leah Westermann will create a PO requisition online and email the student the PO number that is generated in the system.

  4. The PO is automatically faxed by Penn’s Purchasing department to the vendor.

  5. The vender automatically sends the invoice to Penn’s Accounts Payable department for payment.

Please make sure to add your event to the Events Calendar! For more detailed instructions please reference the training slides.